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Planning Board Minutes 03/12/07
Greenfield, NH Planning Board
March 12, 2007
Minutes taken by Mike Steere

Members Present:  Chairman Carrara, Borden, Halper, O’Connell, Rainier, and alternate member Steere
Meeting opened at 7:07 PM

Chairman Carrara designated alternate member Steere to act in absent member Fletcher’s place

    The minutes from the 2/26/07 were read aloud by Halper.  Borden moved to accept the minutes with the following changes:
page 2 line 9:  change “driveway’ to “lot”
page 2 line 11:  change “he determined” to “he believed”
page 2 line 12:  change “to be buildable” to “to be unbuildable”
page 2 line 13:  change “deemed as such.”  to “deemed to be buildable.”

Seconded.  All members were in favor.

Hearing on Minor Subdivision of Douglas & Mary Ann Rupert
On the corner of Russell Station and Gulf Road - containing 9.1 acres - started at 7:25 PM.  (Rainier unavailable for a portion of the proceedings.)  Chairman Carrara reviewed the rules for the hearing and the public signed the attendance sheet.  O’Connell advised that the hearing was properly noticed.  State subdivision approval was provided.  A bill for the hearing and associated costs for $256.37 was prepared by the Chairman and a check in payment was provided by Mr. Rupert.  The Chairman read the report from consultant Carol Ogilvie.  Ms. Dawn Tuomala presented the subdivision plan for Mr. Rupert.  The Board reviewed the check list and found the following items are needed:

Requirement for six paper copies and one Mylar of the plat
Confirm lot numbers with Town Hall (Catherine)
Note on plat confirming the subdivision meets zoning requirements
Note on plat indicating the discontinuance of gravel drive between lots

Halper moved the application of Douglas and Mary Ann Rupert for a minor subdivision of R9-6 be accepted, seconded by Borden; all in favor.

Chairman Carrara opened the public hearing at 8 PM.  Abutter Joe Ellis questioned the location of the driveway for the Gulf Road parcel.  Ms Tuomala explained the issues and process for sighting the driveway which was approved by Director of DPW Fox.  Chairman Carrara noted that no abutter correspondence was received on this subdivision.  No further questions and the Chairman closed the public hearing at 8:07 PM.

Halper moved the minor subdivision R9-66 be approved conditionally requiring satisfaction of notes above, seconded by Borden; all in favor.

State subdivision  for Douglas & Mary Ann Rupert (R9-66)
Returned mail – Richard Benoit of 2 Hall Way
Local Government Center – 2007 workshops
Joe’s pay stub
NH Office of Energy & Planning on spring conference
Selectmen’s meeting minutes for 2/15/07 & 2/22/07
Request from PSNH for public hearing regarding tree cutting on Town scenic roads
Major subdivision application formally received from Wilco Holdings, LLC
“2007 NH Planning & Land Use Regulations” book – distributed to Board members

O’Connell noted Board’s past discussion concerning fees for notification.  Discussion noted need for public hearing for discussion of process and any changes prior to implementation.

Pratt Subdivision – New Boston Road & Blanchard Hill Road
Discussion opened at 9:15 PM. Chairman Carrara reviewed the rules of the hearing and the public signed the attendance sheet. O’Connell advised that the hearing was properly noticed.  A bill for the hearing and associated costs for $342.04 was prepared by the Chairman and a check in payment was provided by Mr. David O’Hara representing the Pratt’s along with attorney John Cronin.  Mr. O’Hara provided a letter on requested waivers.

Chairman Carrara reviewed with the Board prior meeting minutes of 12/11/06 on the subdivision.

The Board reviewed the check list and found the following items were needed:

Wetlands stamp on plat
Confirm lot numbers with Town Hall (Catherine)

Halper moved the application from the Pratt’s for a major subdivision on Blanchard Hill Road and New Boston Road be accepted, seconded by O’Connell; all in favor.

Chairman Carrara opened the public hearing at 9:58 PM.  No questions, public hearing was continued to 7:30 PM on April 9, 2007.

Note:  Questions on waiver request.

Note:  Need for a letter to ZBA on wetlands or wetlands buffer crossings – “no salt area” or other mitigations restrictions may be a consideration.

Steere moved to adjourn at 10:05 PM; all in favor.